
14.05.2019 | Miroslav Tůma
Will Outer Space Be Weaponized?
This essay discusses the main elements of the American security document called the Missile Defense Review 2019, which was presented by the US Ministry of Defense in January 2019.
24.01.2020 |
Conference on the Establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction
Miroslav Tůma, Senior Associate of the Centre of International Law, elaborated on the question of establishment of a Middle East Zone Free of Nuclear Weapons and the Other Weapons of Mass Destruction. The conference was held at the Headquarters of the United Nations in New York at the end of November 2019. What are the positions of the session attending sides? Is it possible to persuade USA and Israel to participate at this negotiations with diplomatic means?
01.04.2020 | Miroslav Tůma
Can the possible non-extension of the New START Treaty influence the strategic stability in the use of the outer space domain?
The New START Treaty, which limits the number of deployed strategic nuclear weapons, will expire in February 2021. According to the assessment of most arms control experts and, for example, the former US and Russian Foreign Ministers, the non-extension of the New Start Treaty will have a number of negative effects. What are the possibilities of the subsequent development if the last US-Russian control-arms contract New START is not extended? And what would that mean for strategic use of the universe?
16.09.2020 | Miroslav Tůma
The Dangerous Development of the Security Situation and the Complication of the Extension of the Last US-Russia New Start Arms Control Treaty
The reflection article discusses the current situation of the US-Russia arms control system. The author reflects on the possible future scenarios taking into consideration the latest policy decisions of both countries as well as the influence of the U.S. presidential and congressional elections that will be held in November 2020.
05.10.2020 | Miroslav Tůma
The U.S.-Russia arms control system faces an uncertain future
The last arms control treaty New START will expire on 5 February 2021. Although the treaty may be extended by five years, recent policy stances adopted by both countries put such an option in question. A new reflection by Miroslav Tůma, our senior associate researcher, discusses the possible future scenarios.