Human Rights Treaty Body Review 2020 – Introducing the Integrated Treaty Body System as a More Ambitious Alternative

Jan Lhotský published an article in the international blog Opinio Juris, in which he discusses the upcoming review of the human rights treaty bodies based in Geneva, which will be dealt with by the UN General Assembly during this year.

In an article titled "Human Rights Treaty Body Review 2020 – Introducing the Integrated Treaty Body System as a More Ambitious Alternative", the author presents a proposal of an integrated model of the treaty bodies. According to this model, they would be better prepared to deal with growing numbers of state reports and individual complaints about human rights violations that are coming to the committees from different parts of the world.

You can read the whole article here.

Jan Lhotský is a Senior Researcher at the Institute of International Relations. In his work, he mainly focuses on human rights, international humanitarian law, and international criminal law.
